How to build your brand story
Top tips for creating a stronger positioning for your brand.
Who will your brand relate to?
Think of this like walking up to someone new at a party… What can you do to make yourself relatable to them? Why will they find you interesting? Where will you fit into their lifestyle? People seek relationships with brands where they sense a connection.
How will they remember you?
So, you’ve created that all important initial spark… the fit feels good and they are nodding at everything you say. Now you need to stay top of mind. Why are you different? Why should they trust you? Will you live up to your promise?
Where will you be retold?
Everyone loves a good story… and brands thrive on being talked about. They love being passed from one person to another. Make sure you offer as many opportunities to share as possible. Create material that will keep the conversation flowing.
Don’t get hung up on success
Failure is all part of the process. To move your brand forward you will need to take risks. Your audience will always accept your mistakes if you are honest about the outcome and seek to fix it. Many will even embrace your curious and bold endeavours.
Perfection is overrated
Good is always good enough. Be human about what you offer and how you deliver it. Your audience will trust you more if you present an authentic story that they believe in. The human brain can spot a fake a mile off and this can be an instant turnoff.
Balance the rational and emotional
Don’t talk endless fact. Try and consider how your business integrates into the lifestyle of your audience. They might not find the rational science as interesting as you. They could also be looking for an emotional connection that fulfils a need.
Consider all five senses
After all we are all human. How will your brand connect through sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. This could be the quality of your business card, film on social media, the coffee you serve in meetings… it all contributes to your brand story.
Tell your story with passion
This part is free. After all you know your story better than anyone and that is what makes it unique. It’s your journey that has created your brand and that is why others will want to hear you talk about it and in turn tell others… and so it grows.
And always remember…
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”.